In portrait: Janin Devi
In Portrait: Janin Devi
singer, transforming artist

Do you remember when music first touched you and you discovered your love for singing?
Even as a child I loved singing, for example in a group at kindergarten. My love of music was already very strong back then. But I had a particularly relevant experience when I heard the song "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston on the radio. From then on I really wanted to be a soul-folk singer. This presence and the power of the voice touched me deep in my heart from the very first note. There are voices that have an energizing, heart-opening effect on me. Today I count the voice of the singer "Feist" among them, of whom I am a huge fan. But the voices of Dave Stringer, the band members Lucius and Paolo Nutini also impress me a lot. Many soul-folk artists simply have unique voices. Listening to their singing gives you a feeling of home.
You are known as Germany's most prominent spiritual singer. How do you manage to maintain your inner balance despite your popularity?
There are many possibilities. In my private life I like to practice yoga, go jogging and swim. I have been very busy recently and have spent a lot of time on the computer as I have just founded my own label called "Soulmate Connection" and my online shop of the same name. I would like to contribute to raising awareness in dealing with animals, people and vegan nutrition. It is very important to me to create a balance on a collective level that allows us all to feel and understand each other.
Your songs are incredibly deep and touching. Is there a moment in your musical career that you particularly remember?
That is a very nice question that brings back some images from the past. There are a few stages, such as the one at the Berlin Yoga Festival or the open-air mantra yoga classes, that will stay in my memory forever. When several thousand people come together and practice, sing, celebrate, meditate together and are peaceful and warm, then that touches me deeply. But there are also moments in relation to my family that are anchored in me. For example, I sang for my grandparents when they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. A few guests were invited who I have known since childhood, neighbors, friends, people who saw me growing up with my grandparents. I stood on a chair with my Sansula and announced my Sansula song “Paradi.” My dear grandpa was in tears. There was a bond and a benevolent feeling in the room that I will never forget.
How did you become aware of Sansula?
In 2008 I discovered it at a Christmas market. I thought it was completely unique. After hearing its sound, I was enchanted. I hesitated for a moment as to whether I should actually take it with me, as it was somewhat fragile. But I couldn't resist. The response to the Mantra Yoga classes at the Yoga Vidya house was enormous. Several interested people came up to me and reported that they were able to relax very well during these classes. So I was delighted to see that the Sansula had been included in the Yoga Vodya Shop's range.
What prompted you to incorporate the Sansula into your projects?
On the one hand, I like its gentle, all-pervading sound. It connects wonderfully with my feelings and transports them directly to the listeners with my voice. Whether on large concert stages, in mantra yoga classes or in healing sessions - its magnetizing, gentle effect creates a "healing", a "being healed" with oneself. Look into the eyes of children and adults who are listening to the sound of a Sansula for the first time... Worlds open up.
How do you use the Sansula and would you describe it as inspiring?
For example, I use the Sansula to guide participants in a yoga class into deep relaxation. I also use it in my concerts and in my CD productions. I am currently working on an electronic remix of my song "Goodbye", which was also recorded with the Sansula. It will be released this year, together with a music video. I really enjoy using the Sansula in all my projects. It is becoming more and more of my trademark, if I can put it that way...
Which of the HOKEMA instruments would you say is your favorite?
The Sansula Renaissance .
Biographical information on the career
Janin Devi is considered a vocal miracle. She enchants her listeners with her unique, clear, profound and at the same time emotional voice. Her voice speaks directly from her soul and touches deep in the heart. You can feel that she carries and feels each of her songs within herself. That is why Janin Devi is one of the most important spiritual singers in Germany. Her love of music flared up in her at kindergarten age. After early musical education and recorder lessons, she began to train herself in singing in 1994. She pursued music until she became an adult. In 2007, Janin Devi attended the Artrium drama school in Hamburg to study "performing arts". In the following years, she practiced and learned yoga at Yoga Vidya. She worked there as a musician, gave mantra lessons and concerts. But music called her "home". In 2009, Janin Devi became self-employed as a musician and has since worked on new productions that not only warm the hearts of listeners, but also make them soar.
Interview: Annalena Horl